just got back . . and the sudden feel of sadness arrive at the same moment when i walk in to this house. . me myself don't understand. . one of my friend say don't care much about small little things. . small little things lead to bigger things and bigger and bigger . . or maybe we should always not think of everything to make our life great? is that selfish or selfless?
alone. . . bath muffin and mop the whole room . . wanted to screw the new table that i bought from Ikea but i cant find the screw driver. . . so sitting here . . nothing on the playlist . . watching muffin being naughty . .
time will fly very fast when we not think of it . . so i will do the same thing. . and i'll be great as always :D
so yesterday went help Sheri out for the offline sales at subang. . it was ok :D business was ok . .everything went well. . many people came. . a lot of e shops selling clothes . . i did get to buy floral dress. . things are cheaper then outside shop for sure cause their rental is cheap :P get to meet up with sharon, aishah, and weijane. . fun chatting with u girls muakss. .