Friday, July 31, 2009

short update~

hehe this is only 2 picture that i successfully receive from Qiu rong. .blame the stupid connection lahhh. . . this is the 2nd day at the offline bazaar that Sherishopie attended. . this 2 lovely girl came and look for me all the way from their far away home :P hehe. . .

thanks for coming all the way ya :D and i'll will be seeing both of u next week for the convocation rehearsal :D yay!! then only we plan plan where to go k :D hehehe. . . i cannot wait till i meet everyone this 7th august :D yay!!!!

not much nice photo that day. . for the mean time :D only this short update with only 2 photos. . sorry ya everyone :P tee heee. .

sayang sayang :D

Thursday, July 30, 2009

><" i'm not innocent

I have no idea what sort of feeling i am going through now. . it's really hard for me to describe it in words. . i don't really understand human being sometimes. . and also maybe i cannot expect everyone to be like me. . having the same thought as me. . everything is different. . everyone is different in their own way i guess. . .

i don't think i am an innocent girl . . i think i am stupid ><'' or maybe people use innocent to indirect say that u are stupid? hmm. . .

i am having the same routine of life nowadays. . haven start my working life and yet i am having a routine life. . shit. . .

i think i need to go out and pou d laa. . . hahaha. . .wish me luck la everyone :P

Saturday, July 25, 2009

80 plus stalls :P a must visit bazaar :D

Tomorrow for the 2nd day we will be at The Crest, 3 Two Square . . i mean we sure is Sherishopie. . which means me sheri and cherli :D yay!! today was a tiring day. . not much crowd compare with the first ASD V2.0

come come and look for us if u are free :D Necklaces, bangles, earrings, ACCESSORIES! Come visit us at ASDv2.0 Launch this 25th & 26th and we promise you won't burn a hole in your pockets! ;) We will be at booth no. 40, very near to the changing rooms.

come come k :D hehe as u know the previous bazaar i did nail art :D this time is no different :P same price only RM18 . . come come :D hehe see all of u there :D

here is the map :D

Friday, July 24, 2009

when is our next outing?

i got so drunk this night and i don't remember much thing about this night :P but seeing ah yao posting up this photo album makes me wanna blog about it also la :P kiasu maa :P hehe. .

it was a nice outing. . look at my eye make up . .super love it. . but everything was gone after a while :P haha. . cause i was drunk and i started crying :P haha. . . looking back at all this photos .. . i mean this 5 photos makes me super miss all of them :P I WANNA GO CLUBBING !! it has been ages since all of us being together and what to say CLUB together. .

i think everyone of u reads my blog :P lets set a date after convocation we go clubbing na :D hahahahaha . . . such a good excuse to go clubbing and also we can spend time together ma :)) hahaha . . set set set. . .after convocation we have to celebrate :P hmmm lets think which club to go this time? :D

me and hy :D

4 of us :D errr. . so nice la this photo
!! arghhhhhhhhh

i miss u for many days d eh . . . faster come back :D

here is raymond bennet and haoseng :D all join in together. . aghhhh everyone is here :D so happy :D

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

notty muffin

muffin has been behaving very badly at sis's place. . biting all sorts of things :( making me feeling very sad and down about it. . thinking why she has to behave like this :( not that i don't love her anymore . . just i am finding ways hoping that she will behave better? :(

so basically i stayed home everyday. . watching tv. . . keep refreshing fb but i do like this kinda life la :P hehehehe. . . dont say i am a lazy girl or what la k :P i just wanna have this period of time so that i wont regret once i start working and its so difficult to apply for leave right? :P all this is not excuses okay :P and i just dont waste my time like this . . i do have plans for myself naaa. . . but cannot tell here . . shhh. . . succeed only can tell story only nice ma :D

look at her innocent looking face :P

hehe :D

Sunday, July 19, 2009

boring life :(

yeah i know i know. . my blog is getting boring :P tee hee but i got nothing to blog about wo :P hehe. . . i am back in malaysia d due to some personal reason . . but everything is okay d now :D

i don't really like to post up a post without any photos :( so can i end the post here? like nothing much to talk about it :P wait till there is any interesting photos then i will be here again k everyone
:P love love

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sungai Chiling trip :D

quite sometime ago :P me and cheryi's gang of friends had this one day trip to sungai chiling waterfall :P hehe. . we have to wake up around 6am and by the time everyone gathered we started our journey :P

yay!! reach d :P okay this is only the entrance :( we have to walk like more than one hour to reach the right spot :P which is way up high in the mountains i guess? waterfall is on top of the mountain right? errrr

not only we have to walk. . . we need to walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk :( no ending like that de :(

climb climb climb climb. . .wuarrrrr :(

are we there yet? are we there yet? no no i am not donkey :P ching is :P from Shrek. . not only walk and climb we need to pass like 5 rivers in total to reach the waterfall :( so sinku de :P

yay :D reach d :D hehe smile to the cameara :D thanks to pen hao :P we got nice photos with his very keng camera :D

che and yishen :D

hehe :D okay laaa after all the sinku :D look at the nice waterfall view and the super cold water :D we become happy girls d :P

see the waterfall :D so nice. . wahhhh . . . . no regrets. . okay now need to walk back d. . arghhhhhhhhh . . 5 rivers . . walk climb walk climb. . are we there yet? are we there yet?

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Penang food rocks :P

Arrive at penang's tune hotel around 12am midnight :P the hotel was very clean and the rooms also quite okay :D hehe :D everything went well :D after settle everything we went out the hotel areas and walk walk :P

hehe :D nice pillow and clean room :D

walk pass those old buildings :D very nice :D
inside old building there is pubs and those sing k drinking place :P more ah pek i guess :P

2nd day at penang :D we went to the pagoda :D nice place to visit . . although is all temple temple thingy but i feel the sculpture all also very nice :D

on the way up high to the pagoda :P there is one turtle pond . . i personally not a turtle person. . errrhhh. . but shyyi and pin love them i think :P so i just stand aside and they busy taking photos and feeding them :P

a lot of them . . seeeee :( all waiting for food

nice view of all the temples up high :D

hehe :P

went i was there admiring those sculpture in this temple, i thought of my late grandma :( miss her. . she use to be in the temple at kb. . so when i look at all this things at temple make me miss her :(

arghhh. . super tiring climbing up the pagoda . . . . up up up

very high up. . the highest level at the pagoda . . the fear of heights make me don't dare to step out from the stairs area :P look at shyyi. . look very brave but she also scared okay :P holding to tightly to the side :P

couple pic :D nice view behind :D

top view from the pagoda :D

me and shyyi

the decorate wall in the pagoda

playing a fool with pin :D teaching him this is flower :P

after pagoda trip :D we went back to the hotel and bath and rest for a while and headed to batu feringgi :D

cannot really enjoy the beach here . . there is too many water sports available hence no place for people who wants to enjoy lor :( walk a while then got people ask us to go to the side cause got the parachute wanna land those la :( not nice de

after the beach we went to the pasar malam :D did't buy anything la. . only bought cheryi's magnet :D she collects fridge magnets :D from all over the world :P

after pasar malam :D we went and drink at those normal pubs along the beach :D

3rd day at penang :D went to the nearby coffee shop and enjoy our breakfast :D hehe i totally love penang's chee cheong fan as they don't make use of normal sauce . .the sauce is made from prawn paste . .me love prawn paste :D only cost rm1.80 per plate

this is the famous prawn noodle plus loo mee together in a bowl :D prawn loh mee :P i think that the taste is normal only la :P don't know why its so famous

the nice char kuey teow that cost us rm6 per plate :D this stall also quite well known in penang. . is a guy wearing goggles frying it :P hehe big prawn and nice spicy kuey teow :D

famous cendol at penang :D near komtar there de :D even pua chu kang visit this stall :D one bowl of cendol only rm1.70 :P darn cheap

end the post with a pose of me slurping to the nice cendol on a hot sunny day :D hahahaa

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

very nice pizza and best carbonara :D

che's birthday was in june but me no time to blog about it until now :P hehehe. . . jia jia busy here and there. . dont know i busy with what also la actually. . .

had very nice dinner at Marcos pizza at Bangsar village . . they serve very nice pizza and my favorite all time best Carbonara spaghetti . . arghhh. . while blogging about this i recall the creamy carbonara . . arghh i want to makannn !!!!

we celebrated sheri's birthday here :D mom came down kl just to celebrate che's birthday :P hehehe. . . faye buiyi and ah di came to the dinner too :D the food here is really nice but i also don't understand why Marcos pizza restaurant don't have much crowd . . next outing i want to ajak my gang to try out d :D hehe. . .

me and birthday girl :D

everyone must take a photo with birthday girl :P li li here with che :D

ching had quite a long leave that week so she cane back so we are all together to celebrate che's birthday :D

faye my lovely cousin

ching being emo :P she wore a very nice dress that night :D

group photo except the guys :P very old school pose which che suggest . . .we were actually thinking what pose to do before taking this photo. .then sheri came out with this suggestion . . super old school and everyone laugh at her . . so old d this pose. . hahahahha

hehe :D i love this pose :P sakit gigi pose

she very suang lor . .got 2 birthday cake that night :P no la . . haha. . because before buiyi arrive. . we went to buy this cake and manatao buiyi actually bought a cake too :P so she got 2 cake lor. . . suang lorrrr. . my birthday also no cake . .hahahaha

making a wish :P

pretty birthday girl :P

yishen and li li

here comes all the food :D very nice food :D

peperoni pizza

cannot remember what pizza is this d :P seafood pizza i think

3 different kind of spaghetti :D serve together and can share share cause quite a big portion :D nice :D


oreo drink . .

pesto. . shen's favourite