Saturday, January 19, 2008


I miss Bangkok a lot . . i feel like going to bangkok again soon . . the shopping the food . . the Thai Massage . . arghhhh . . i miss all those. . . soon yeah soon i will revisit Bangkok again xD

Anyway i will be going back Kb tomorrow. . will miss one week class. . .10th feb after chinese new year only coming back :D Don't know why i really look forward to this years chinese new year . .eldest sis will be going back kb this year . . last year she did't get to go back cause of her work here in kl :D ang pao ang pao . . good food good food here i come . . hahaha

Last years chinese new year pictures :D so fast one year past d . . haiyooo time flies


TzeThon said...

ang pau ang pau. good food good food. hahaha. i want also. but too bad la i have class on new year itself la. haha. no holiday for me. so damn cham right?
really fast la one year already. super fast.

cher chyi said...

hmm lor hmm lor :( then when will u finish ur studies thon?

TzeThon said...

i'm graduating in june. provided i pass everything of course. oh my god. so scared la. if fail my mom sure kill me kao kao.
then if i can successfully apply for *cough* my further studies *cough* then i will consider staying. =D

cher chyi said...

ooo okok :D u sure can want :P